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July 22, 2008


122 Howell Circle

Greenville, SC 29615


Dan Thomson

Ceaseless Love Ministries

12362 76th Ct NE

Kirkland, WA 98034


Dear Dan,


Now that we have gotten back home and somewhat settled, I wanted to take a few

minutes to THANK YOU for all the time and energy you spent with our family while we

were in Seattle. I am still amazed how God led us to you; but even more, I am amazed at

the impact you had on Anna and our family during another very difficult time. In our 10

years and countless surgeries, we have never experience the support that God gave us

through you and your family. I know we mentioned to you that Anna’s prayers were she

would not have to go to the ICU, but unfortunately it was necessary that she go.


We have never had anyone come a stay with us during surgery for a total of about seven

hours. You had given Anna your word that you would see her after surgery and you did

exactly that During surgery, you ministered to Susan and I and you felt the Lord was

going to give Anna some additional blessings. As it turned out, Anna did receive

blessings we were not anticipating. Her shoulder was broken loose from her rib cage,

and her lung was dissected from her chest wall so it could better move.


After surgery you continued to stay “in the boat” with us. Your ministering to Anna and

our family daily had an enormous impact on our attitudes. Your very positive scripture

based approach was constantly encouraging us to look “vertical” rather than “horizontal.”

Our family struggles anyway during these surgeries and you were always there (very

positive) giving us God’s word and wisdom. I so appreciated your primary focus on

Anna. If you remember (you don’t forget anything) Anna’s heart rate in the ICU was

running about 165 after surgery and we were obviously concerned. You started reading

God’s word to her, and the heart rate went down in the 130’s. After you stopped for a

while it would creep back up. When you read again, the heart rate came down again.

Wow, the power of our Lord!


The other event that will forever stick in my mind was when Anna lost her IV and the

doctors told her she would have to get another placed. Anna was in a state of panic and

asked you to read about Adam being put to sleep by God so he could get a rib to make

Eve. You began to read the scripture and coach her to keep looking vertical. As you read

the scripture, the IV team came in to re-start her IV. As you read, Anna actually fell

asleep BEFORE she was stuck Normally she is frantic, but this time she was asleep

God used you to deliver His word in a mighty way!


Please make sure to thank Marie for the blanket she made for Anna with the scripture

verse. The verse was so appropriate as Anna does need to cry out to God in her time of

need. Your wife is a wonderful person. I appreciated her coming by and spending time

with Susan. She was so encouraging and “connected” with my wife in a very peaceful



Dan, I told you that people don’t understand how much what you do impacts families like

us in these times. We have never been ministered to like this in any way and we are

veterans at surgeries and being in the hospital. Having you and at times your entire

family there in God’s name was the calming force that changed the entire countenance of

the trip. I pray daily that God will bless your ministry abundantly. You named your

ministry perfectly as you have been “ceaseless.”


Thank you for continuing to follow up with us and continuing to minister to us in South

Carolina. You are now a great friend of our family and I have the highest love and

respect for you and your wife and family.


Your Brother,


Eric Hartis

Dear Dan,                                                                                                       10/18/2011


Just to recount the facts:  Dan, you came along side me over a year ago, after I had suffered a near-fatal spinal staph infection which really rattled my cage, physically and spiritually.  While we knew each other casually by virtue of attending the same church men’s group, with a sixth sense you came along side, when I hardly knew you, and started our first private conversation with “How can I help you”.  I had no idea the treasure chest God had prepared for me.


Even though this meeting took place three months after the medical crisis, you quickly picked up on my physical situation with an amazing grasp of the complex medical factors affecting a prolonged convalescence.  That alone was impressive and helpful, but it was mere prelude.


During a time when I had virtually no stamina I had hit a spiritual wall, an undefined black hole which left me in a spiritual wilderness.  You helped me define and then understand what was going on, using scripture to lead me to a path of resolution and reaffirmation of faith.  You told me at the outset that anything you told me would be based on scripture, but what I experienced with you was a knowledge and grasp of scripture beyond anything I have ever witnessed from clergy. It was nothing short of astonishing.   You opened my eyes to practical applications of God’s Word that I had not even imagined, and I dare characterize myself as a mature Christian.  God has gifted you in a mighty way, and I will be eternally grateful that He brought us together in my season of need.


Grateful for how God has been glorified,


Steve Driscoll

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