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Dear Friends,


     A full and busy year has flown by and the changing seasons remind us the holidays are quickly coming.  It is delightful to think about the countless blessings we have received from God’s generous hand this past year.

     Our family has enjoyed many happy hours together.  This is a blessing we do not take for granted as our two oldest children are now adults, living on their own, and working in jobs they love.  How we rejoice when we are all together now and then!

      As we look back with thankfulness, we are strengthened for the challenges of the present.  Challenges are opportunities for faith to grow.  The world around us is tumultuous with uncertainty, troubles, and often fears.  God’s view of the nations is as a sea – never still and sometimes raging.  In this rolling sea, do we, by faith, “know” the communion and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ?  He alone has the power to command the wind and the waves.

     On the road to Emmaus, we read in Luke 24, there were two of Jesus’ faithful disciples whose world had just been rocked by Jesus’ death on the cross.  Imagine how it would be to witness the overnight trial and violent crucifixion of a person you had loved deeply, and even more, had loved you with a divine love.  Events in Jerusalem during the past few days had been jarring and led to the frightful heartbreak of all the disciples.  They could not understand why Jesus had been crucified.  They thought He was their Messiah!  Their hopes for Israel had vanished.

     As these two disciples of Jesus shared together in their sorrow, Jesus Himself joined them walking down that same road. How surprised they were when He asked them what they were talking about that made them so sad.  “How is it?” they thought, “This man is not aware of the events that have convulsed this city?”   The mourning disciples did not know who it was walking with them, but Jesus began to explain to them all that had been written about Him in the Old Testament  Scriptures.  As He showed them that the Christ came to suffer in order to liberate men and women from the power of sin, their hearts began to awaken to the truth.



They urged Him to stay with them when they arrived at their village and Jesus ate a meal with them.  Jesus blessed the bread and broke it.  It was then that these two disciple’s eyes were opened and they knew Him – their Resurrected Lord!

     What was it that prevented the disciples from “knowing” Jesus as He walked with them?  Jesus identified the cause of their blindness as unbelief.  His cure for them was to open their understanding so they then could comprehend the Scriptures.  Jesus does not call us to have an illogical or empty faith.  He does not ask us to believe something He fails to explain.  No, Jesus walks with us and gives us the understanding of His Word and the gift of faith.  When we have received understanding and believe, we will “know” Him.  This “knowing” is not a knowing about Him.  This “knowing” is relationship, and that makes all the difference in our lives.  We can know about Jesus and still be blind as to who He is.

     Jesus is our Savior whose body was broken for us that our sin-debt might be paid in full. 

     Jesus is our King who has conquered over sin and death; He is the King of Righteousness and Peace.

      Jesus is our Friend who walks with us on the road of our lives and opens our spiritual eyes that we might believe and enjoy a loving relationship with Him.

     Jesus is Love and asks us to remember Him in the broken bread that our faith might be strengthened and our love for Him may remain ardent.

      We ask God to bless you with love and joy in the knowledge of His Son, Jesus.  Our family deeply appreciates your prayers for us and Ceaseless Love Ministries and the encouragement so many have given in various ways as we continue to serve Christ Jesus in walking alongside of men and women seeking Him.

Ephesians 1:15-23

In His grace with thankfulness for you,


Dan and Marie Thomson

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