November 12, 2012
Dear Friends,
The crisp days of autumn are here reminding us that the holiday season is just ahead! There is much to be thankful for and our family is rejoicing in the meaningful blessings the Lord has bestowed on us this year as we prepare for Thanksgiving.
We are thinking of you who have experienced the fury of hurricane Sandy just two weeks ago. It is amazing to see the power of the elements and the damage that has resulted, and equally amazing to hear how God has protected and cared for so many. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. Please let us know how we can pray for you specifically.
This summer we witnessed the beautiful demonstration of God’s love and care when Dan was called in an emergency to one of the local hospitals. He found a distraught father grieving that he had accidentally run over his little five-year old son while backing up the family’s RV as they prepared to leave on a vacation. The rear tire had run over the child’s head and he was in critical condition. The response of Christians from churches everywhere and from their local community was touching. Many needs were provided. Dan was able to support and be there for this father who never left the hospital for the six weeks it took for his son to recover. It was thrilling to hear the joy in the father’s voice when he and his little son returned home safely and well. God truly blessed this boy with healing in answer to the prayers of his family and many believers.
During this time, God provided our family with the opportunity to take a vacation on the Oregon Coast for a week. What a surprise it was to discover that the head nurse of the pediatric ICU of that same hospital where the little boy was recovering was staying in the apartment attached to the house we were renting! She had come away from her work for a few days to rest as there were eight out of eleven little ones under her care that it appeared would not survive. She was in need of encouragement and care herself, and we marveled how God had placed us in the same house! It was a testimony to her of the power of prayer to see how this little boy had been healed from the terrible injuries caused by the accident. It keeps us mindful of the fact that caregivers need love and support just as much as those under their care.
When we walk through trial we are confronted with our need for God. This is like a thirst. The trial makes us know a spiritual thirst. If we were to drink in our feelings in the midst of the trial it would be like drinking salt water and that would be toxic to us. We need pure water. So how do we find the water our thirsting soul needs in these times? Consider the process of the distillation of salt water. Heat causes the production of two separate compounds, pure water and salt. So it is with us when we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit of God in the midst of a trial. We receive the pure and living Water which is Christ. We know Him as our life in a new and deeper way we had not known Him before. We find that we are at peace because all our needs are met in Him. Even in the midst of trial our spiritual thirst can be deeply satisfied. We also find “salt” or the character of Christ becoming evident in our lives. This is one reason why God allows trials to come – because He knows that we will become more and more like Christ through it, and that means beautiful as He is beautiful! God does not take the trials that come into our lives lightly nor does He ignore them. No! We are so important to Him and everything about us. God has promised that for those who love Him, He will cause all things to work together for their good. It is through this “distillation” process of the trial that God gives us two gifts - living water and the beautiful character of Christ.
We thank you for remembering to pray for us as God brings us to your mind. Dan and I continue to come alongside of those with medical needs, but spend much more of our time in active discipleship of those experiencing relational difficulties. God faithfully demonstrates that His answer has always been and always will be ceaseless love!
May God bless you richly and fill your heart with joy,
Dan and Marie Thomson