November 25, 2011
Dear Friends,
The beautiful season of Christmas is here! Our family is excited for the joyful celebrations centered on the birth of our Savior and for the reuniting of our family as Grace and Daniel will soon return home from college for the Christmas break. This year has been filled with change, unexpected blessing, and the enjoyment of our family relationships. While Grace and Daniel have been far away from us in distance, it has caused us all to find fun and creative ways to keep in touch and to bless each other. We have been made rich in the changes by God’s grace which abounds to us!
As we think on the grace of God, we are reminded in Romans 3:24 that “we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”. Jesus came to earth to “redeem” or to buy us back from our enslavement to sin. This is why God the Father said through the angel, “His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin” (Matt 1:21). What a beautiful name we have been given to call our Redeemer by; a name directly connected to our freedom from the power of sin. There is more Good News! Not only do we rejoice in our redemption, but also in the justification that redemption brought about. Justification, the payment of the debt we owed to God, has been settled forever by our great Redeemer, Jesus. God has dealt justly with our sin through His Son and made us to stand before Him in Jesus’ righteousness. We are free from our debt, delivered from the destructive power of sin, and brought near in relationship to our God of Love. We are truly made rich by God’s grace. Let us rejoice in the remembrance of the birth of our Redeemer, JESUS!
Ceaseless Love Ministries rejoices to bring this Good News to those who call out to hear it. It is not enough to know about God or to have a knowledge of God’s Word. We must believe God’s word for ourselves and then it is ours and it transforms our life! We are seeing this happen in the lives of those we minister to and pray that the report of it delights those of you who support CLM to know that God is blessing your investment and answering your prayers. Please continue to pray for us and consider further support of God’s work through Ceaseless Love Ministries.
Enclosed is the testimony of Sandy and Gene Dunkley who lost their son, Ron, this year when he was hit by a train in downtown Seattle. Please remember them this Christmas as the loss of their dear son is very heavy on their hearts.
We ask God’s blessing upon you and that His joy will fill and delight you!
Merry Christmas!
Dan and Marie Thomson